Form Design

The education programme provides students with a solid foundation by teaching them to invent, draw and make complex three-dimensional objects. Such knowledge is important when working with designers, architects, theatrical and film directors as well as sculptors.


» When starting the study process, no one understands how it is possible to produce something like that, but upon the completion of studies it turns out that it is so easy!


The programme incorporates two major disciplines: first, students start with sketching by hand and, from year 2, continue with mastering graphical software packages (Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop). In year 4, they are taught the 3D drawing software and 3D animation. Second, they acquire skills in a variety of materials processing techniques. Students learn how to work with wood, plaster, plastic, stone and polyester resin. We teach them how to create models from plywood and by casting plastic into silicone moulds as well as by vacuum casting.


Most graduates choose to continue their studies, learning Art, Design or Architecture. Graduates of the programme are able to successfully enrol in the most prestigious universities and colleges that teach design and architecture, including Cambridge. After leaving school, graduates can work under the supervision of sculptors, designers or theatre and cinema property masters or start and develop their own business, from restoration of plaster decorations to making of porcelain ware.

The Form Design programme can offer an excellent microclimate and a friendly atmosphere. From a professional point of view, every year our high achievers win prestigious competitions, and it shows other students that yes, we can!


Ivars Drulle

Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs (

Izglītības programmas vadītājs


"Formas dizaina programma ir raksturīga ar lielisku mikroklimatu un draudzīgu atmosfēru. Profesionāli – katru gadu mūsu izcilnieki uzvar prestižos konkursos un tas norāda pārējiem audzēkņiem  - jā, mēs varam!"



bakalaura grāds (Bc.arch.),

diplomēta arhitekte



Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs




Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs



Humanitāro zinātņu maģistrs

(, mākslinieks

Informācija Tēlniecības objektu dizaina speciālists /PDF/
Profesionālās izglītības programmas licence /PDF/
Izglītības programmas akreditācijas lapa /PDF/
Programmas pamatdati /PDF/